Variations on a theme: The Gulf crisis settles into a family squabble

Sheikh Tamim and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed By James M. Dorsey A three-month old crisis in the Gulf that has pitted Qatar against an alliance led by the UAE and Saudi Arabia has settled into a family squabble in which the protagonists appear to be singing different variations of the same song. Qatar and its detractors disagree on how they view the world around them and how they would like to shape it, but are in tacit agreement on the fundamental political structure of their respective states that seems designed to put a 21 st century veneer on traditional autocratic and tribal rule. To be sure, Qatar has couched the defense of its controversial foreign policy and relationships with Islamic militants in the language of a forward-looking state that embraces concepts of democracy and press freedom. The UAE defends its approach as a pillar of the fight against terrorism and extremism. Yet, several interviews in which senior UAE diplomats make no bones about t...