The Group of 20’s Religion Forum: How much is too much balancing? A conversation with Ahmet Kuru
By James M. Dorsey To watch a video version of this story on YouTube please click here. A podcast version is available on Soundcloud, Itunes , Spotify , Spreaker , and Podbean. Religious leaders gather in Bali this week for their first Religion Forum 20 summit (R20) under the auspices of the Group of 20 or G-20 that brings together the world's largest economies. The religious leaders are meeting two weeks before the G-20's political leaders are scheduled to gather in Indonesia, the group's current chair, for what potentially promises to be an acrimonious get-together attended by the presidents of the United States, Russia, and China. The religious summit is likely to find it easier to agree on a common language than their political leaders, but that may be where the easy part ends. Organized by Nahdlatul Ulama, arguably the world's largest and most moderate independent civil society movement in the world's largest Muslim-majority country and