Iranian soccer body fires top officials

The Iranian Football Federation (IFF) has fired three of its top officials after Iran failed to advance to the next round of qualifiers for 2012 London Olympics, according to, an Iranian exile news website.

The officials were blamed for the awarding to Iraq of a match that Iran had 1:0 because the Islamic republican team fielded a player who had been suspended.

National team administrator Fereydoon Moeini, Olympic team supervisor Asghar Hajiloo and Davoud Parhizgar, a staff member, were sacked for dereliction.
Their dismissal was ordered by IFF chief Ali Kaffashian despite the fact that Iran would have needed to beat Iraq 4:0 to advance in the tournament.

Earlier this month the hopes of Iran’s women’s team were dashed when a crucial match against Jordan was cancelled because the squad appeared on the pitch wearing the hijab, an IUslamic headdress that cover the hair, neck and ears. World soccer body FIFA bans all political and religious symbols during matches.


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