Wikileaks Disclosures About Qaddaffi Family Spark Cancellation of Soccer Matches

US diplomatic cables detailing the corruption and decadent lifestyle of the family of Libyan leader Muammar Qadaffi coupled with anti-government protests in provincial cities prompted Libya this weekend to cancel all soccer matches in the country.

The cancellation came amid mass anti-government protests in neighbouring Egypt driven in part by organized soccer fans that have shaken the regime of President Hosni Mubarak to its core.

Similar demonstrations toppled in mid-January President Zine Abedine Ben Ali of Tunisia on Libya’s eastern border. US diplomatic cables disclosed by Wikileaks detailing the greed and extravagant lifestyle of Ben Ali and his entourage fuelled the protests that led to his ouster.

The cancellation of all soccer matches by the Libyan Football Federation constitutes a bid to prevent the pitch from becoming a venue for expression of widespread anti-government sentiment.

The US cables entitled “Qadhafi Children Scandals Spilling Over Into Politics” and “A Glimpse Into Libyan Leader Qadhafi’s Eccentricities” were sent from the US embassy in Tripoli to the State Department in Washington in September 2009 and February 2010. They are circulating clandestinely inside Libya.

The Qadaffi “family has been in a tailspin…trying to put a stop to one rumour or another, in the name of defending the family's honor. From Mutassim al-QADHAFI's headline-grabbing St. Bart's New Year's Eve bash to Hannibal's latest violent outburst, the QADHAFI family has provided local observers with enough dirt for a Libyan soap opera,” the Qadaffi children cable says. It says Mutassim and Hannibal’s siblings and mother were scurrying to cover up the scandals.

The St Barts scandal involved Mutassim”s alcohol-infested 2010 New Year Eve parties for which Beyonce, Usher and others were paid $1 million to perform and domestic abuse charges against Hannibal who was accused of breaking his wife’s nose in a $7,000 a night suite in London’s Clardidge’s hotel. Mutassim, Qadaffi’s fourth son, heads the Libyan National Security Council.

The cable about the Libyan leader himself describes Qadaffi’s phobia and his refusal to travel without his Ukranian nurse, a 38-year old “voluptuous blonde,” according to the US diplomatic writer. Qadaffi, the cable says, “appears to have an intense dislike or fear of staying on upper floors, reportedly prefers not to fly over water, and seems to enjoy horse racing and flamenco dancing.”

The cable about Qadhafi quoted a US embassy interlocutor as issuing advice to the Libyan leader that is as valid for other embattled Arab leaders, including Egypt’s Mubarak. “When you have been isolated for so long, it is important to communicate,” said the interlocutor whose name is blocked out in the disclosed cable.

Yet, Qadaffi, like most Arab leaders is being forced to be conciliatory towards mounting public opposition against their regimes.

The Libyan leader recently instructed his Revolutionary Council, effectively the country’s government, to investigate complaints about corruption in public housing that sparked the protests and to promise that "all the problems will be solved soon through the legitimate authorities."


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